Get Interactive!

Up to now, the only handicap with video communication was that it was only one way. But what if your videos could encourage a two-way conversation with each individual viewer, while the viewer is watching your video and that you also get to see the results of their side of the conversation. WHAT?! I’m not […]
Does Your Brand Have A Social Conscience?

We are all so eager to share the business side of our brands that we sometimes forget to show the human side, or more importantly, the humane side of our brands. Having your brand connect with your community brings a strong bond between you and your public. It breeds a level of loyalty you can’t […]
The Corona Virus Has Changed Video Marketing! Is it Forever?

Can you believe it? Demand for online video is on the rise again. Even more so with our current global situation where we are isolating and staying home. And, get this, it is not just entertainment video that people are demanding more of. In a recent survey, it was found that 54% of consumers want […]
Using YouTube Influencers for Your Marketing

Are you familiar with what a brand Influencer is? Well, before Instagram came along with its members showing off favourite products in their personal photos, YouTube was the first social media platform where brands could connect with influential people who had strong YouTube audiences following and could convince them into purchasing certain products or generating […]
Video is today’s most effective marketing tool

Let’s play a quick game of “Would You Rather?” Would you rather read a book, or Heli-ski? Would you rather holiday somewhere hot with summer beaches, or have a winter holiday atop beautiful alpine mountains? Would you rather scroll through long descriptive text about how fast you can ski down those mountains, or would you rather […]