Surprising Benefits of Your Own Video Series

You might have toyed with the idea of producing your own video series once or twice and then pushed it aside with thoughts of too much work and no guaranteed return. But producing a video series is a powerfully effective way of communicating who you are on a consistent level. The fact that it is […]

Get Interactive!

Up to now, the only handicap with video communication was that it was only one way. But what if your videos could encourage a two-way conversation with each individual viewer, while the viewer is watching your video and that you also get to see the results of their side of the conversation. WHAT?! I’m not […]

Incorporate Video Into Your Social Media Strategy

Are you uncertain about whether you should incorporate video into your social media strategy? Here’s a couple of statistic to help you make a decision in that direction: Viewers retain 95% of a message when they watch it on video, compared to 10% when reading it in a text.  And, social media videos are shared […]

3 Video Marketing Campaigns You Will Actually Enjoy Watching

Let’s have a little fun and get inspired by some video marketing campaigns already out there and working well. Hopefully, these videos can inspire you to do something just as fun for your viewers to want to watch and share. Nike – Better For It: This is a great video that gets into the minds […]

Taste that Pumpkin

It’s October – that festive time of month where we have a specific food that we focus on in very creative ways. I love this time of year. It’s full of celebrations. It’s the most creative time of year and… we get to play with our food. What’s not to love about that? It’s also […]

Confession Time

There was this one project, quite a while ago, that I messed up quite badly, with my camera. It was my second time ever shooting in front of a green screen and this project was for a very important client. But the shoot was in a proper studio with proper lighting already setup for me […]

Powerful Podcasting Statistics You Can’t Ignore!!

“Hi everyone, I’m (so and so) and welcome to my podcast.  This week’s guest is…” Does that sound familiar? If yes, then you are among the 1/3 of North Americans who enjoy listening to podcasts – while jogging, walking the dog, driving, etc. And that number is growing. If there’s something you’d like to know, […]

Does Your Brand Have A Social Conscience?

We are all so eager to share the business side of our brands that we sometimes forget to show the human side, or more importantly, the humane side of our brands. Having your brand connect with your community brings a strong bond between you and your public. It breeds a level of loyalty you can’t […]

WHAT?! That’s not a human voice over?

Wouldn’t it be nice to hire a professional voice artist for your video… adding that extra polish and pizzazz to your brand? Hiring a voice artist for your video involves the time and cost of looking for and auditioning the talent. Then it includes the artist’s fees and studio fees to record the script. Sometimes […]

3 Perfect Ways To Ruin A Vlog

Video series or “vlogs” are now a staple in any sized business, and that includes small businesses. They are a great tool for getting the public to notice you and your brand – building a fan base for your business. Whatever you choose to use your vlog for, there is one common denominator they all […]