Get Interactive!

Up to now, the only handicap with video communication was that it was only one way. But what if your videos could encourage a two-way conversation with each individual viewer, while the viewer is watching your video and that you also get to see the results of their side of the conversation. WHAT?! I’m not […]

Do you need a smartphone gimbal?

The newest models of smartphones, both iPhone and Android, now have their own internal stabilization.  Because of that, I hear clients telling me that they don’t think they need a gimbal and wonder why I recommend that they use one for their self-made social media videos.  I’ve used my smartphone gimbal for nearly 4 years […]

3 Video Marketing Campaigns You Will Actually Enjoy Watching

Let’s have a little fun and get inspired by some video marketing campaigns already out there and working well. Hopefully, these videos can inspire you to do something just as fun for your viewers to want to watch and share. Nike – Better For It: This is a great video that gets into the minds […]

3 Perfect Ways To Ruin A Vlog

Video series or “vlogs” are now a staple in any sized business, and that includes small businesses. They are a great tool for getting the public to notice you and your brand – building a fan base for your business. Whatever you choose to use your vlog for, there is one common denominator they all […]

Keep up the good fight!

We are all  HEROES! Now, go online and GET NOTICED!   Thank you for doing such a great job isolating yourselves and keeping a social distance. We will win over this virus! Remember to wipe down your products when you purchase them, if you can. This virus lives on surfaces for hours, some say, ‘days’. […]

Do you feel like you are Captain Blah in front of the camera?

If you are feeling as though you are ordinary or boring in front of the camera as you record your videos, I have a few tips that can help you get out of that rut and get into making some cool videos. Read on and learn how to record better videos. Prepare yourself a few […]

Recording high quality footage with your smartphone

It’s crazy how advanced phone cameras have gotten over last few years. Eight years ago, they were mere curiosities; today they can record 4K UHD video.  But, making great video from your smartphone is not just about the technical abilities of its camera. It’s also about your proficiency in using it. Take your time getting […]