Do you need a smartphone gimbal?

The newest models of smartphones, both iPhone and Android, now have their own internal stabilization.  Because of that, I hear clients telling me that they don’t think they need a gimbal and wonder why I recommend that they use one for their self-made social media videos.  I’ve used my smartphone gimbal for nearly 4 years […]

Incorporate Video Into Your Social Media Strategy

Are you uncertain about whether you should incorporate video into your social media strategy? Here’s a couple of statistic to help you make a decision in that direction: Viewers retain 95% of a message when they watch it on video, compared to 10% when reading it in a text.  And, social media videos are shared […]

3 Video Marketing Campaigns You Will Actually Enjoy Watching

Let’s have a little fun and get inspired by some video marketing campaigns already out there and working well. Hopefully, these videos can inspire you to do something just as fun for your viewers to want to watch and share. Nike – Better For It: This is a great video that gets into the minds […]

Confession Time

There was this one project, quite a while ago, that I messed up quite badly, with my camera. It was my second time ever shooting in front of a green screen and this project was for a very important client. But the shoot was in a proper studio with proper lighting already setup for me […]

YouTube lets you advertise in the most unheard of way

What if I told you that it is perfectly ethical for you to stand right in front of your competitor’s office or shop and pitch yourself directly to their customers and prospects before they enter through your competitor’s doors?

The Corona Virus Has Changed Video Marketing! Is it Forever?

Can you believe it? Demand for online video is on the rise again. Even more so with our current global situation where we are isolating and staying home. And, get this, it is not just entertainment video that people are demanding more of. In a recent survey, it was found that 54% of consumers want […]

Using YouTube Influencers for Your Marketing

Are you familiar with what a brand Influencer is?  Well, before Instagram came along with its members showing off favourite products in their personal photos, YouTube was the first social media platform where brands could connect with influential people who had strong YouTube audiences following and could convince them into purchasing certain products or generating […]

Cut to the Chase!

Well, we are halfway through 2019 and, just as I’ve all predicted, the internet is inundated with videos; expert videos, marketing videos, info videos, live videos, lunch videos… and now… super short videos! So, have you checked the analytics for your own videos? Are your videos getting watched? It’s likely that you aren’t getting the […]