3 Video Marketing Campaigns You Will Actually Enjoy Watching

Let’s have a little fun and get inspired by some video marketing campaigns already out there and working well. Hopefully, these videos can inspire you to do something just as fun for your viewers to want to watch and share. Nike – Better For It: This is a great video that gets into the minds […]

The Corona Virus Has Changed Video Marketing! Is it Forever?

Can you believe it? Demand for online video is on the rise again. Even more so with our current global situation where we are isolating and staying home. And, get this, it is not just entertainment video that people are demanding more of. In a recent survey, it was found that 54% of consumers want […]

Keep up the good fight!

We are all  HEROES! Now, go online and GET NOTICED!   Thank you for doing such a great job isolating yourselves and keeping a social distance. We will win over this virus! Remember to wipe down your products when you purchase them, if you can. This virus lives on surfaces for hours, some say, ‘days’. […]