Get Interactive!

Up to now, the only handicap with video communication was that it was only one way. But what if your videos could encourage a two-way conversation with each individual viewer, while the viewer is watching your video and that you also get to see the results of their side of the conversation. WHAT?! I’m not […]

Confession Time

There was this one project, quite a while ago, that I messed up quite badly, with my camera. It was my second time ever shooting in front of a green screen and this project was for a very important client. But the shoot was in a proper studio with proper lighting already setup for me […]

What is an interactive video?

This is the first question people ask me, when I mention the words “Interactive Video.” It’s simple, really. It’s a video that allows the viewer to interact with its content. For example; the video can ask the viewer a question and also display choices for the answer. The viewer clicks his or her mouse on […]

Training Videos that Fill Your Bank Accounts

Most of the time, business owners think of training as an added expense, not as part of their profit growth. And so, many businesses think of ways to cut or trim that cost down at the risk of it no longer working. Video, however, keeps those costs consistently low while maintaining a measurable quality in […]