Using YouTube Influencers for Your Marketing

Are you familiar with what a brand Influencer is? Well, before Instagram came along with its members showing off favourite products in their personal photos, YouTube was the first social media platform where brands could connect with influential people who had strong YouTube audiences following and could convince them into purchasing certain products or generating […]
Do you feel like you are Captain Blah in front of the camera?

If you are feeling as though you are ordinary or boring in front of the camera as you record your videos, I have a few tips that can help you get out of that rut and get into making some cool videos. Read on and learn how to record better videos. Prepare yourself a few […]
You’re Losing Money!

You’re losing money by not taking your ABOUT PAGE seriously! I read an article, recently, that talked about how to turn our website bio into a selling tool. It was such a powerful learning lesson that I just have to share it with you. For those who type out a bio on their ABOUT PAGE, […]
Cut to the Chase!

Well, we are halfway through 2019 and, just as I’ve all predicted, the internet is inundated with videos; expert videos, marketing videos, info videos, live videos, lunch videos… and now… super short videos! So, have you checked the analytics for your own videos? Are your videos getting watched? It’s likely that you aren’t getting the […]