Surprising Benefits of Your Own Video Series

You might have toyed with the idea of producing your own video series once or twice and then pushed it aside with thoughts of too much work and no guaranteed return. But producing a video series is a powerfully effective way of communicating who you are on a consistent level. The fact that it is […]
3 Perfect Ways To Ruin A Vlog

Video series or “vlogs” are now a staple in any sized business, and that includes small businesses. They are a great tool for getting the public to notice you and your brand – building a fan base for your business. Whatever you choose to use your vlog for, there is one common denominator they all […]
The real truth behind how to generate revenue through your vlog

I watch a lot of vloggers on YouTube. Among all of them are two vloggers that have really caught my attention: Peter McKinnon and Ryan Connolly (Film Riot). McKinnon is a Toronto based photographer and videographer whose vlog topic is solely about operating the camera and showing off new camera gear. Connolly, an American filmmaker, […]