Incorporate Video Into Your Social Media Strategy

Are you uncertain about whether you should incorporate video into your social media strategy? Here’s a couple of statistic to help you make a decision in that direction: Viewers retain 95% of a message when they watch it on video, compared to 10% when reading it in a text. And, social media videos are shared […]
YouTube lets you advertise in the most unheard of way

What if I told you that it is perfectly ethical for you to stand right in front of your competitor’s office or shop and pitch yourself directly to their customers and prospects before they enter through your competitor’s doors?
WHAT?! That’s not a human voice over?

Wouldn’t it be nice to hire a professional voice artist for your video… adding that extra polish and pizzazz to your brand? Hiring a voice artist for your video involves the time and cost of looking for and auditioning the talent. Then it includes the artist’s fees and studio fees to record the script. Sometimes […]
3 Perfect Ways To Ruin A Vlog

Video series or “vlogs” are now a staple in any sized business, and that includes small businesses. They are a great tool for getting the public to notice you and your brand – building a fan base for your business. Whatever you choose to use your vlog for, there is one common denominator they all […]
Using YouTube Influencers for Your Marketing

Are you familiar with what a brand Influencer is? Well, before Instagram came along with its members showing off favourite products in their personal photos, YouTube was the first social media platform where brands could connect with influential people who had strong YouTube audiences following and could convince them into purchasing certain products or generating […]
Do you feel like you are Captain Blah in front of the camera?

If you are feeling as though you are ordinary or boring in front of the camera as you record your videos, I have a few tips that can help you get out of that rut and get into making some cool videos. Read on and learn how to record better videos. Prepare yourself a few […]
The real truth behind how to generate revenue through your vlog

I watch a lot of vloggers on YouTube. Among all of them are two vloggers that have really caught my attention: Peter McKinnon and Ryan Connolly (Film Riot). McKinnon is a Toronto based photographer and videographer whose vlog topic is solely about operating the camera and showing off new camera gear. Connolly, an American filmmaker, […]