Cut to the Chase!

Well, we are halfway through 2019 and, just as I’ve all predicted, the internet is inundated with videos; expert videos, marketing videos, info videos, live videos, lunch videos… and now… super short videos! So, have you checked the analytics for your own videos? Are your videos getting watched? It’s likely that you aren’t getting the […]

Feel The Rhythm

There is a video editing secret that few videographers know? It’s this: A great video isn’t just about a great story. Each video has a rhythm or a pace to it. Finding the rhythm determines whether that video gets watched or not. When I edit videos or films, I click into this pace, this rhythm, […]

How to Close More Business with Video

In every industry there is a lot of competition; others in the same business who are doing exactly what you do, and… doing it well. So, how do you stand out? How do you convince a prospect to hire you over any other competent business in the same trade? I’ve often heard that people don’t […]

Video is today’s most effective marketing tool

Let’s play a quick game of “Would You Rather?” Would you rather read a book, or Heli-ski? Would you rather holiday somewhere hot with summer beaches, or have a winter holiday atop beautiful alpine mountains? Would you rather scroll through long descriptive text about how fast you can ski down those mountains, or would you rather […]