Powerful Podcasting Statistics You Can’t Ignore!!
“Hi everyone, I’m (so and so) and welcome to my podcast. This week’s guest is…” Does that sound familiar? If yes, then you are among the 1/3 of North Americans who enjoy listening to podcasts – while jogging, walking the dog, driving, etc. And that number is growing. If there’s something you’d like to know, […]
3 Perfect Ways To Ruin A Vlog
Video series or “vlogs” are now a staple in any sized business, and that includes small businesses. They are a great tool for getting the public to notice you and your brand – building a fan base for your business. Whatever you choose to use your vlog for, there is one common denominator they all […]
Audio: A Powerful Marketing Tool
When I produce videos for clients they rarely ask me questions about the audio for the video. Typically, everyone focuses on how the video will look; yet ironically, for engaging memory to potential customers, audio is more important than video images. I’m not talking about just what the message says, but also how that message […]